AP US Government & Politics

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby-Keirstead's AP US Government class in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on current events and governmental affairs. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Term 3: Post 1

The Supreme Court this month made a landmark decision regarding campaign finance right as we are discussing campaigns and right as we are transitioning to the topic of courts. How nice of them, right? Please read up on the Court's new ruling. I have included some articles below because it is no longer on the front page. In your post please address the following questions:

-What will the short and long term impacts be of this decision? What will candidates, parties, interest groups, and Congress do in response to this ruling? Will it improve or hurt the way American elections occur?
-Do you a agree or disagree with the Court's ruling and why? If you disagree, what do you think the Court should have ruled and why? (Keep in mind the Court's precedents and the First Amendment).

Post due on Tuesday, February 2nd by 7pm.

Welcome back and lets have a great term together! M. Aby

The Supreme Court removes important limits on campaign finance

Supreme Court rejects limits on corporate spending on political campaigns

High court shows it might be willing to act boldly

Citizens United used 'Hillary: The Movie' to take on McCain-Feingold

Campaign Finance Ruling: Hard To Reverse

Honest Ads May Be Byproduct Of Landmark Ruling

A Century Of U.S. Campaign Finance Law

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last post for this term

Please respond to a minimum of one student's mid-term election post. Please choose a student you have NOT responded to yet this term. In your post please use sources to back up your points and cite where your information is from.

Thanks so much for your participation this quarter! M. Aby

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Post 4: Mid Term Elections

November 2010's midterm elections are expected to be a referendum on whether the American people support President Obama's and Congress' performance.

-What are the difficulties the Democrats will have in the midterm elections?
-What advice do you have for the Democrats to protect their majority in Congress?
-What advice do you have for the Republicans to gain seats in Congress in this upcoming election?
-What predictions do you have?

Background on the topic:

Wave of retirements speaks to uncertainty about 2010 elections
GOP retirements in House may affect party's gains in November

Post due by class on Monday, 1/11


I want to remind you that you are being graded on the quality of your research and the level of in depth writing you do. Please do not use sources like youtube or wikipedia to back up your arguments. Anyone can post on these sites. These sites are not helpful in an academic discussion. Also, be sure to back up your opinion with analysis. Don't just state your opinion. Lastly, please proofread and spell check your response before you post.

Most of you are doing these things and for that thank you. But since this is our last serious of posts and this project is significant in terms of your grade, I wanted to remind you of how you are being evaluated.

Take care and keep writing. I'm enjoying your thoughtful exchanges! M. Aby