AP US Government & Politics

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby-Keirstead's AP US Government class in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on current events and governmental affairs. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Post 6 - Due Nov 1

Since this summer the news has been buzzing with the leaks from Edward Snowden and the revelations that the NSA has been gathering more data than the public had previously realized.  Next trimester we'll be examining the 4th Amendment so this post isn't focusing on the Constitutional privacy debate but rather the issue of presidential credibility.  The Obama administration has hard a tough month between Syria, the Congressional shutdown, the website problems with Obamacare and more NSA leaks.  President Obama is one year into his 2nd term and will soon become a "lame duck".

For this post assess where the Obama administration is at.  Does Obama have the popularity (with the US public, the US' allies, &/or with Congress) or support to get more of his agenda accomplished and if so what should he be focusing on and why?  If Obama does not have enough popularity to get much done, what should he do to try to regain support?  What's your advice for the president?

Your post is due on Friday, November 1st.  This is your 2nd to the last post for the trimester.

PS.  Happy Halloween!

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Response Post - Due 10/25

Two weeks ago you were asked, 
Do you think that there should or should not be a limit on how much an individual can give to an individual candidate in an election cycle? (This is the central question the Court is answering in McCutcheon v. FEC)
Are Super PACs becoming too powerful?  (This is what changed in the political landscape after Citizens United v. FEC.)
To what degree does the role of money in federal elections concern you?

Pick a classmate in either period 5 or 6 to respond to.  Explain what you agree or disagree with about their post.  Remember we shouldn't need to reread their post to understand your post.

Please use at least one new news source from in your post. 

You have until Friday, October 25th to post.  I look forward to reading what you have to say.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Post 4 - Due 10/11

Due Friday, 10/11

You might be wondering if you get to take the week off because the federal government is shut down, but HA one branch is still highly functional (as in they get work done) even though they aren't being paid - the US Supreme Court!

This week the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Shaun McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission while we are learning about campaign finance in class!  This case will further establish what is legal post- Citizens United v. FEC.

Your task is to answer the following questions in your post and to have specific data from federal elections post-2008 to back up your claims. 

  • Do you think that there should or should not be a limit on how much an individual can give to an individual candidate in an election cycle? (This is the central question the Court is answering in McCutcheon v. FEC)
  • Are Super PACs becoming too powerful?  (This is what changed in the political landscape after Citizens United v. FEC.)
  • To what degree does the role of money in federal elections concern you?
You should have at least 3 articles back up your claims.  Please do not rely on articles or resources I gave you.  See me if you need help.  

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Post 3: Respond to a classmate

Last week you were asked, "Do you agree with the strategy of some Republicans to use this showdown as an opportunity to try to defund the Affordable Care Act ?  If there is a government shutdown who should get the blame - the Republicans or the Democrats and why? Do you think a government shutdown is or is not a responsible outcome from this showdown?"  At that point the government shut down was theoretical but now it's actually happening - and for who knows how long.

Pick a classmate in either period 5 or 6 to respond to.  Explain what you agree or disagree with about their post.  Remember we shouldn't need to reread their post to understand your post.

Additionally, either make a guess as to how long the shut down will last or explain how the shut down has affected you or someone you know.

Please use at least one news source from this week in your post.

You have until Saturday, October 7th to post.  I look forward to reading what you have to say.