AP US Government & Politics

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby-Keirstead's AP US Government class in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on current events and governmental affairs. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Post 2: Due Friday, 9/28

We are at the point in campaign season where highly politicized statements get said & get attention but sometimes they are not true & not caught because there isn't much time to fact check.  That is your job this week.  :)  Find a TV ad or a speech by a candidate or interest group or party & fact check it.   Then discuss whether you think the ad or the speech is truthful enough and if it's untruthful if you think there are consequences to their lie.  

For an example of what I'm talking about look at how National Public Radio fact checked President Obama and Rep. Ryan's speeches to the AARP last week.  (But don't use that speech or article because that isn't showing your own work.)

A website that you might find helpful:  http://www.factcheck.org/.

This is due by class time on Friday, 9/28.  It should be proofread & spell checked.  You need to include links to your evidence.  One link should be to the speech or the ad you are critiquing.  Youtube is a great place to start.

Please pick a relatively recent add (ie. the person should be still running for office - shoot for late summer or fall ad) but can be for any office (fed/state/local) or issue.

Good luck.

Comments on post 1

Today you'll get back personal feedback to your first post.  I really enjoyed reading what you have to say about politics.  Themes of feedback (ie. things I had to write down frequently):

*don't forget to answer the question - this is not a free write.  Your task is to answer the prompt.
*use evidence to back up your points.
*cite your research at the end of your post.

Three people I want to particularly point out as awesome bloggers include:
Mike B.

Great job guys.  And I look forward to your next post.  :)  M. Aby

Friday, September 14, 2012

Response to Post 1: Due Friday, 9/21

Please post your response to a classmate's post to post 1 HERE (click on the comments link).  Please do not start a new thread.

You may choose anyone in period 3 or 5 to respond to but prioritize responding to a classmate that hasn't been responded to first.  If you want to respond to someone who already has a response you can but then also respond to someone who hasn't been responded to as well.

Your response should be at least a paragraph and use at least one piece of evidence. You should state specifically WHO you are responding to.  We shouldn't need to read their post to understand your post. You need to state what they said (you can quote them if you want to) and then explain why you agree or disagree with them.

Your response should be up by class time on Friday, 9/21.

See me or email me if you have any questions.  Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Post 1 for 2012! Due Fri, 9/14

For the past 2 weeks people in this country have either been paying attention to the RNC and the DNC or pretending like they aren't happening.  You get to be in the 1st category.  ;)

Which 2012 political party convention do you think was the most successful and how are you defining success?

 I recommend going to the webpages of each party and looking at the news coverage of the 2 conventions.  Your goal should be to use a minimum of 4 sources.  Your sources can include youtube videos from the convention and polling data.  

Your post is due by class on Friday, September 14th.  

Your post should fully answer the question above, refer to news articles or websites you read, and should be proofread.  Your post should use complete paragraphs, be spell checked and should have citations to show where your information is from.  The class will read your post and someone will respond to your argument by the end of the next week.  

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