AP US Government & Politics

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby-Keirstead's AP US Government class in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on current events and governmental affairs. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Debate Transcript

Please watch it (or part of it) because debates are visual and expressive.  But this could be helpful if you want to quote a specific part:


Monday, September 26, 2016

Post 2 - Due 9/30

Who won the presidential debate on Monday, September 26th?  What are you using to determine who "won"?  And does it matter who wins the presidential debates?

You should watch some section or all of the presidential debates to answer this question.  The debate will be up on YouTube afterwards if you can't watch it on Monday night.  You will also need at least 2 other sources to make your argument about who is the winner of the debate.  There will be plenty of news coverage of people arguing who is the winner.  Please cite your sources in your argument.

I hope it's a good debate and if it's not I'm sorry I'm making you watch it.  ;)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Respond to Post 1

You will be getting back from me some individual feedback based on post #1.  Some general feedback from me:
1.  Refer to political candidates and public figures by their last names.  You are not on a first name basis with the candidates.
2.  Be sure to do your research and to cite after your point that your resesearch backs up your point.  We need to be able to see if your facts support your conclusions.
3.  Think about where your research is from.  You will be more persuasive to your classmates if you aren't using biased news sources.  I am also not impressed by wikipedia.
4.  Please proof read your posts.
5.  Be sure to give enough info so that your post makes sense (like what is the who, what, where, when and why for the speech you evaluated).

For the week pick a peer's post to respond to.  They can be in either period but they have to have evaluated the candidate you didn't pick for post #1.  Watch the speech that they did and answer the following prompt:

What was your opinion of this candidate before watching the speech and was your preconcieved notion of the candidate changed or challenged by watching the speech?  Why or why not?  Do you agree or disagree with what your classmate said they thought about the speech?

You are not required to do independent research for this post.

Your post is due by 8am on Friday, September 23rd.  I look forward to reading your comments.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Debates for the presidential election will be on 9/26 and 10/4

“[T]he Board determined that the polling averages called for in the third criterion are as follows: Hillary Clinton (43%), Donald Trump (40.4%), Gary Johnson (8.4%) and Jill Stein (3.2%). Accordingly, Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine, and Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, qualify to participate in the September 26 presidential debate and the October 4 vice-presidential debate, respectively. No other candidates satisfied the criteria for inclusion in the September 26 and October 4 debates. The criteria will be reapplied to all candidates in advance of the second and third presidential debates,” the Commission announced.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/2016-presidential-debates#ixzz4KRyVshjw 
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Friday, September 2, 2016

Post #1: The Candidates and their Attempts to Persuade Us

Pick a speech by either the Democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton, and the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and answer the following questions:

  • Who was s/he speaking to?
  • What did they articulate as their vision for their presidency?
  • Did you find their speech to be persuasive?  Why or why not?
  • Pick at least two facts that they used in their speech and fact check them.   What rating would you give their speech on a Truth-O-Meter? (1 being a total lie and 5 being totally honest.)

Please include the link to the speech you picked and to articles you find to fact check the speech.  When you cite the resources you used you can use hyperlinks or you can put a (1) after the point and then make a numbered list of sources at the end of your post.

Your post is due by 8 am on Friday, September 16th.  Please post your response by clicking on the little pencil beneath my post so your response can be on the same thread as your classmates.  I look forward to what you write/think!

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