Post 6 - Due Nov 1
Since this summer the news has been buzzing with the leaks from Edward Snowden and the revelations that the NSA has been gathering more data than the public had previously realized. Next trimester we'll be examining the 4th Amendment so this post isn't focusing on the Constitutional privacy debate but rather the issue of presidential credibility. The Obama administration has hard a tough month between Syria, the Congressional shutdown, the website problems with Obamacare and more NSA leaks. President Obama is one year into his 2nd term and will soon become a "lame duck".
For this post assess where the Obama administration is at. Does Obama have the popularity (with the US public, the US' allies, &/or with Congress) or support to get more of his agenda accomplished and if so what should he be focusing on and why? If Obama does not have enough popularity to get much done, what should he do to try to regain support? What's your advice for the president?
Your post is due on Friday, November 1st. This is your 2nd to the last post for the trimester.
PS. Happy Halloween!
Labels: political capital, popularity, president