Post 2: Due Friday, 9/28
We are at the point in campaign season where highly politicized statements get said & get attention but sometimes they are not true & not caught because there isn't much time to fact check. That is your job this week. :) Find a TV ad or a speech by a candidate or interest group or party & fact check it. Then discuss whether you think the ad or the speech is truthful enough and if it's untruthful if you think there are consequences to their lie.
For an example of what I'm talking about look at how National Public Radio fact checked President Obama and Rep. Ryan's speeches to the AARP last week. (But don't use that speech or article because that isn't showing your own work.)
A website that you might find helpful:
This is due by class time on Friday, 9/28. It should be proofread & spell checked. You need to include links to your evidence. One link should be to the speech or the ad you are critiquing. Youtube is a great place to start.
Please pick a relatively recent add (ie. the person should be still running for office - shoot for late summer or fall ad) but can be for any office (fed/state/local) or issue.
Good luck.