AP US Government & Politics

This blog is for students in Ms. Aby-Keirstead's AP US Government class in Bloomington, MN. It is for students to post their thoughts on current events and governmental affairs. Students should be respectful & think of this forum as an extension of their classroom. The instructor has the same expectations for classroom discussion & blog posts. These posts will be graded for both their academic merit & for their appropriateness.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Post 4: Due Friday 11/4

I'm posting this EARLY because there is a typo on your calendar. I put response to post 3 down for 2 weeks in a row. Sorry.

For this post I want you to pick an issue (domestic or international) to examine in 4 papers (it can be a in 4 U.S. papers or 1 U.S. paper and 3 foreign papers). Then I want you do answer the following questions:
  • What are the similarities and differences between how these papers present the news?
  • Analyze whether you think these news sources are presenting the news in a biased or objective manner. Consider the following: the pictures used, the verbs/language used, who was quoted and not quoted, the headline, and how the argument was framed (ie. the vocabulary, who and what was included/ excluded from the article).
  • Pick and explain which news source you think did the best job on the story or issue you choose.
In the past my students have struggled with this so I wanted to recommend 2 examples of media comparison that I enjoyed last weekend on National Public Radio. On the program On the Media they had an article comparing presidential campaign coverage and one on how the Occupy Wallstreet movement is portrayed in U.S. and international media. They might be helpful for you.

Lastly I have some news sources to recommend for this project-

US news sources:

International news sources:

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Response to Post #3 - Due Friday, 10/29

Please post your response to post 3 here. Please be specific in your praise or criticism of your classmate's post or the ad they picked. Please state who you are responding to. If you use or refer to sources please be sure to cite them in your post.

Due: Friday, October 29th

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Post #3: due 10/14

September 30th was a major fundraising deadline for the presidential candidates and there was a big push by each of them to raise more money last week. Much of the funds raised will be used by the candidates on their primary campaign and especially on tv ads.

Find an ad from one of the presidential candidates (you can go to their website or search on youtube typing in presidential ad 2012). Post the link to the ad in your post and analyze it. What techniques is it using to try to persuade voters? Are the claims it is making true, partially true or false? Do you find it persuasive? Why or why not?

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Response to post #2: Due 10/7

Please post your response to post 2 here. Please be specific in your praise or criticism of your classmate's post. Please state who you are responding to. If you use or refer to sources please be sure to cite them in your post.

Due: Friday, October 7th